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Due to its neutral pH and ability to carry fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, perlite is widely used in the horticultural industry. Proven to help achieve outstanding yields with perlite hydroponic systems. Perlite is also used in soil-less mixes when high amounts of moisture and aeration are vital for superior plant growth. Another reason why perlite is vital in horticulture because it is sterile and weed free which is ideal for rooting cuttings and container growing. Because of its light weight it is perfect for roof gardens and then low weight and compression soil is needed.

Compost Formulations

Below are serveral formulations which can act as a starting point from which growers can develop mixes to suit their own plants and growing conditions.

Sowing & Rooting Compost

A basic mix for a wide variety of plants

Note: Cover seeds with a thin top layer of fine peat


Rooting Compost

For propagating delicate cuttings e.g. carnations, fushias, geraniums, etc.


Seedling Compost

For bedding and tomato seedlings, etc.

Perlite382 litres0.5 cu. yd.
382 litres0.5 cu. yd.
Peat2.27 kg5 lbs
Ground Limestone0.91 kg2 lbs
Super Phosphate0.68 kg1.5 lbs
(0-20-0)57 g2 oz

Potassium Nitrate

Fritted Trace Elements

Potting Compost

General purpose formula using compound fertiliser.

Perlite191 litres0.25 cu. yd.
573 litres0.75 cu. yd.
Peat3.4 kg7.5 lbs
Ground Limestone5 kg11 lbs
0.68 kg1.5 lbs

Compound Fertiliser with trace elements(e.g. John Innes base or equivalent of proprietry nutrient mixes such as Vitax Q-4, Chempak, Phostrogen, etc - see manufacturer's instructions)

Potting Compost

General purpose formula using compound fertiliser.

Ammonium Nitrate
Super Phosphate
Potassium Nitrate
Ground Limestone
Dolomitic Limestone
Frittted Trace Elements
191 litres
573 litres
283 g
0.91 kg
0.28 kg
1.81 kg
1.81 kg
0.28 kg
0.25 cu. yd.
0.75 cu. yd.
10 ozs.
2 lbs.
10 ozs.
4 lbs.
4 lbs.
10 ozs.

Container Compost

For trees, shrubs and climbers, etc in tubs, hanging baskets, etc.

Sterilised Soil
Ground Limestone
(as per either Potting Compost above)
153 litres
306 litres
306 litres
1.81 kg
0.2 cu. yd.
0.4 cu. yd
0.4 cu. yd
4 lbs

Container Compost

A simple mix, if sterlised soil is not readily available. The mix is approximately equivalent in nutrient content to a John Innes No. 2 and in formulation to a 2:1:2 loam:peat:perlite mix

John Innes No. 3


0.2 cu. yd.
0.8 cu. yd.